Book Donations
As always, the Friends welcome your donation of books for our On-Going Book Sale. We now only sell books at our Book Room not at events. Book donations are the life blood of our fund-raising efforts. We accept clean books in good condition year round. History, gardening and crafts are especially needed. Please no donations of National Geographic, Reader’s Digest Condensed Books or any textbooks. For a more detailed description of our Guidelines for Book Donations, visit this page.
Books are accepted year round and can be brought to either the circulation desk or if multiple boxes are being delivered please bring to the loading dock at Bedford Central Library and ring the doorbell during library hours.
CONTACT MARTHA JOHNSON at or 540-874-0480 or Roger Johnson at# 540-874-4438 for more info.
for any questions. Thank you for your donations.
Book Purchases
Books can be purchased at very reasonable rates ( from $.25 to a few dollars) from our
SECOND FLOOR BOOK STORE! The Book Store Hours are 10:30 – 1:30 every Tuesday and Thursday and the first and third Saturdays of the month. We also have large spinners inside the library, one dedicated to children’s books and the others displaying a range of titles. You can purchase books from these spinners whenever the library is open. We no longer have book sales events.