Be a Friend! Make a Difference!

Please consider joining the Friends organization. We are a warm, friendly group of volunteers who enjoy each other’s company, the library, reading books, volunteering, and contributing to the greater good of our community. alice's-plaqueAs a Friend you will receive each of the Friends newsletters, receive special coupons for use in the library or at our book sales, be invited to Members Only Book Sales and also our Annual Meeting/Pot Luck each year. It is great fun to belong to the Friends. We maintain contact with our members through email notification. The Bedford Friends support and promote the goals and purposes of the Bedford Central Library:

  • by purchasing special items which cannot be taken care of in the Library’s budget
  • by sponsoring programs that support the Library’s mission
  • by encouraging gifts and memorials to the Friends to benefit the library
  •  by encouraging public interest and support for the library
  •  and by helping promote public relations and community awareness of the library

Your membership and financial support make it possible for the Friends to support the Library. Please help! Funds raised by the Bedford Friends benefit The Central Library.

Types of Membership

  •  Individual…….$ 15
  •  Family…………$ 25
  •  Sponsor………$ 100
  •  Patron…………$ 175
  •  Life……………..$500

If you’d like to use Paypal or a credit card, you can pay for the level of membership and any donations you’d like here.  Just total it up.  Go ahead and send us a friends membership form with your enclosed check or just a note saying you paid through the website.



Your check would be payable to The Friends of the Bedford Public Library, Inc. Contributions are tax deductible

You can contribute to the Friends in other ways too.

Gifts/Donations Would you like to help us accomplish our mission? We can put your financial contribution to good use. You can earmark your money for the purchase of books, special gifts to the library, programming or even the Staff Scholarship. Just let us know. We are non-profit and your gifts are tax-deductible. Make checks payable to: The Friends of the Bedford Public Library, Inc. You can drop your check by Central Library and ask a librarian at the circulation desk to place the check in the Friends mailbox or mail to the Friends of the Bedford Public Library, Inc.  at 321 North Bridge St., Bedford, VA 24523 or you can make donations using Paypal or your credit card here.


Volunteering or being a Board Member

If you are interested in volunteering for the Friends your help is welcome and appreciated. We always need volunteers to help with our activities.  We are also in real need of committed new board members.  Would you like to be involved?  Contact us via email  if you have an interest in the following or have a unique skill or talent you would like to share:

  • Help with Book sales
  • Help with programs for children
  • Help with programs for adults